Maganenonno Marketing
  Maganenonno Marketing
Stand no 1228, Siyabuswa, Siyabuswa,
Mpumalanga, South Africa.

1 Month Vegan Challenge

The 28 Day Vegan Challenge contains daily meal plans to help get through the first four weeks of a vegan diet and build eating habits that keep dieters on track. The body enjoys a variety of minerals and vitamins and a reduced consumption of animal products. The program includes egg-free, dairy-free, and meat-free recipes! Change your body into a literal fat-burning machine and use your stored fat for fuel

Say goodbye to mood swings, mental fog and sluggishness caused by carbs and blood sugar fluctuations

Consistently Giving you a better and quality of sleep where feeling groggy is NOT an option

Reducing your cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin resistance usually reversing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes

You will notice healthier looking skin and hair once you go vegan.

Feel more energized, mentally sharp and happier

Feel a sense of accomplishment

These are just a few of the amazing benefits you'll experience when you take the 28-day vegan challenge included in this program.

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